September & October 2009 – Football, School and Halloween
School started the end of August, and the kids were excited to go back and see their friends again, and meet new teachers. Brittany started Middle School this year, and would be switching classes, so she was nervous, but excited for that new part of her school life. She will playing clarinet this year in band. Cole starts 2nd grade, and is excited to make new friends.

Football is starting again, so Scott and I are excited to be watching games again. Last time I was in New Hampshire, I got the kids some replica New England Patriots jerseys so we could all match for football season. The kids also got their new fall school pictures that can be seen in this album.

On October 18th, we decided to go on a hike to see some fall colors. We had never done the Kanarra Falls hike, so we thought we’d give it a try, just wanting to make it to the first waterfall. Well, we didn’t make it. The trail was a bit confusing, and not really well-defined, as we kept crossing the creek. We thought we were going the wrong way, especially once we got to the part, where it was just nothing but a straight up climb over rocks, or walking through the water.
We decided to turn around at that point, certain we had lost the trail somewhere along the way. After getting back to work, I talked with some students who have done the trail, and lo and behold, we were supposed to walk through the water, and the first falls are right beyond that! So, now we have to go back on this hike, someday, and continue on! On our way back, Scott found a hairy friend crossing our path! More Kanarra Falls pictures.

Brittany had her first official band concert, playing clarinet. Because she took summer band, she was put with the advanced 6th grade band that played with the 7th and 8th graders, so that was pretty cool for her.

For Halloween this year, Cole decided to be a Star Wars Clone Trooper, while Brittany was a Skull Pirate. We went to Hallelujah Night again sponsored by a local church, where the kids can play games for candy. They really like going to that event each year.