Halloween 2008

Kids with their decorated pumpkins.

The kids had been counting down to Halloween for a couple of weeks. Costumes had been picked out for weeks, it was just waiting for THE day! A couple of days before Halloween, the kids gutted their pumpkins and decorated them. They had fun doing that, but they really wanted to get into their costumes. Brittany chose to be a Bat Princess. Cole was a Ninja.

Loved the kids costumes this year!

On Friday, when they got home from school, the first question was, “When are we going out trick-or-treating?” We decided to give the kids a choice this year… trick-or-treating, or going to the Hallelujah Night Festival.

We had good laughs watching the kids trying to get bites of the donuts!

The Hallelujah Night Festival takes place at the SUU Eccles Coliseum parking lot Halloween night and is sponsored by Calvary Chapel. Free candy is given away at each booth for participating. Booths include Cow-a-bunga, Simon’s Cents, Plinko, Feed My Sheep, Start Your Donuts!, Cliff Jumpers, Cotton Candy, Jonah’s Treasures (Fish Pond), Stand Up 4 Jesus, Double Bounce, Mountain Bowl, Face Painting, Tic Tac Toe and Carousel of Faith (Cake Walk).

Hallelujah Night Festival – Playing the games – Love Cole’s Ninja backpack.

Cole immediately decided that he wanted to go to the Festival. Brittany really wanted to do both…but then eventually decided to do the festival, reluctantly. We got down to the festival and there were lots of game booths, and both kids quickly got into lines, and did every game. There were also 2 bounce houses, and a big slide. There was a fire truck and a police car there to explore as well. The kids had a blast! They were so happy to do all the games, and to bounce and slide. We ended up spending 2 hours there, and they have already said they want to go back next year.

Halloween Quickpage – Closeup of Brittany’s face as a Bat Princess
Halloween Quickpage – Cole as a Ninja
Halloween Quickpage – I love how this turned out!

To see all the pictures from pumpkin carving, to their costumes, to the festival, CLICK HERE!!!

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  1. How fun is that! Your kid’s costumes rock. And where was this fun Halloween party you went too? You are such a fun mom

  2. Great photos & great scrapbook pages! Definitely looks like a fun time was had by all!! 🙂 As always, thanks for sharing! 🙂 And I agree — you and Scott are fun parents!! 🙂

  3. Always fun looking at your photo’s as well as months of growing pumpkins for their special day. We really look forward to them coming here with their costumes. Cole was so cute with his smiling eyes fooling Grandma for trick or treat. Brittany is always radiant. You are both Great Parents!

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