
Buried Under Work

Author: Scott
Wow, I don’t think I’ve been outside in at least four days. Grass needs another cuttin’ too. Ugh.

I haven’t worked this hard on anything, ever. Having spent 15 hours of my day working on a new website, maintaining healthy friendships, and keeping up with all of the affiliate managers begging me to “pick me! Ohh pick me! MEE!! – Donkey, Shrek”, I have to say, it has been rough.

When I moved to Utah, things were great. Things were awesome in fact. All I had to do was answer a few emails a day and the sales from my previous websites kept us afloat. Then around November last year, for whatever reason, the market I was in just collapsed.

I figure the sales collapse was due to the fact that:
1) The economy started going down the tubes
2) Gas prices
3) The products I was selling were not a “gotta have it!” necessity.

The only thing that has kept us floating from Nov – May has been my business to business software line of products. Businesses have not cut back spending, in fact, to my eyes, they have increased spending during this period. Even the FBI has purchased from me! 🙂

Needless to say, it was some scary times. In January after realizing our financial problems weren’t self correcting as it previously has, I knew changes had to be made.

Soooo, from January forward I have been relearning the new internet marketing techniques, the new things affiliates can sell, and the new procedures. At least 10 hours a day was spent doing research on forums, blogs, and other various websites.

Around May, I hired out some new (expensive) PHP (programming)/MySQL (database) development to focus on just two of my many ideas. This was a very risky move because we didn’t have any capital available. Helloooooooooo debt! Just charge it! Tammy wasn’t too impressed with me but supported the move….

After 100+ new domains being purchased and new projects delivered, I have been working nonstop to get these new ideas launched. Even Tammy has donated many hours to my projects. Thanks hun! As with anything, the hard work has already started to pay off and we’re doing better now than ever before.

In the end, I’ll be in several highly competitive markets. In case anyone is wondering, I still do not sell anything that I couldn’t show my own mother. In other words, no adult materials, no illegal, everything legit. I’m proud of that.

These new projects all require input from the public. I call it “user generated content.” So although I am working incredibly hard right now, once I get all the needed data recorded, hired content published, and other odds and ends tied together, these sites will be on autopilot. They will only require an hour a week to maintain and I can move on to the many other ideas I have, or, take a vacation! Haha.

We’re all heading to Las Vegas on Monday. We’re keeping all of our plans in-tact and the kids should have a great time. This will be a well deserved break for me, although, our gambling allowance will be very minimal this time around. We’ll still have a good time. We have a lot of non-gambling things planned including back to school shopping.

Well, as this site was previously titled Scott Buehler’s Ramblings, this type of post is what I do best. By the way, as you may have noticed, I changed the email newsletter from showing the content of each post I make. Now you’ll see the subject of the post and a link to read the entry. Also, at the bottom of the emails sent, there’s an easy unsubscribe link if you choose not to receive these emails. Just remember, there’s no way to resubscribe unless you email me directly. 🙂

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One Comment

  1. Wow 15 hours on the com com… i would die lol. well as far as chores go, when i get back to Utah maybe i could help out. You know im here for you guys. And if BB needs some1 to play with, or talk to ill be there. Except not now cuz im here *hee hee* i luv u guys ~*Jennifer*~

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